“What?”, I can hear you scream. “Thanksgiving without Turkey!” “Where is our sense of history and tradition?” Not to mention, Thanksgiving in Paris, far from home and family! Inconceivable! Well, not so fast there. Hear me out on this one ... Here’s the thing. It can be tough for an American in Paris on Thanksgiving. The traditional Thanksgiving meal can be hard to … [Read more...]
Experience the Best Restaurants in Paris, Starting With L’Arôme
Any list of the best restaurants in Paris is bound to be long. The city has such a rich culinary offering. Of course, for French cuisine, Paris is divine. It’s the epicenter for the very best. It boasts a long and distinguished history of gastronomy and more than 80 Michelin Star restaurants. In Paris, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to grasp why food and culinary … [Read more...]
Wine Tasting in Paris:
10 local tips for tasting French wine perfection
French wine tasting in Paris is a no brainer, really. France is renowned worldwide for great wine and you’ll find the best of it Paris. The wine choice in Paris is so good, it makes the city the perfect kick-off point for any serious wine tour of France. Start your wine tour of France in Paris. Spend a few days wine tasting in Paris’ many good wine bars and wine … [Read more...]
Paris Nightlife:
5 of the Best Bars in Paris on the River Seine
Did you hear about the floods in Paris? Pretty spectacular! Paris nightlife on the river Seine washed away. Some of the best bars in Paris became waterworlds. Deck chairs, pot plants and cocktail umbrellas bobbed to the sound of gurgling water. They looked like aquatic theme parks gone wrong. But not to worry. The waters have subsided. The sun is out and those delightful … [Read more...]
4 Local Tips On Where To Eat In Paris
Deciding where to eat in Paris is, in all honesty, a potentially “traumatic” experience. There are just so many great choices. Isn’t it fabulous! … [Read more...]